Welcome to Under The Philosophy 3.0

So the last year and a half have been very transitional for me and a few months ago I decided that I was going to create a 3.0 version of myself. I say 3.0 because I feel that at the beginning of this transitional period I had quickly become a 2.0 version of myself. I could see myself maturing and losing old habits that did nothing but make the people around me (and myself) unhappy. About six months ago I decided that the 2.0 Version of me was no longer working and it was time to try something new.

I immediately took action toward being a better me and I am still seeing the results of some of those efforts. The last several months have become very busy and I found myself focusing on other aspects of my life and neglecting my project of becoming my 3.0 self. So I have decided that I will dedicate my efforts back on that project and I will be working towards making my life more organized, streamlined, and ultimately happy.

I thought I would document my experience doing this and would devote the next year of my life to eliminating parts of my life and environment that make me unhappy and introducing more things that make me happy. Whether that be beauty, food, or organization tips, I will not be limiting myself to making a certain genre of content, as long as it helps streamline my life.

Welcome to Under the Philosophy 3.0.


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